Monday, February 23, 2009

A little food for thought

Energy Drink Comparison:
Compare the Top 4 selling brands worldwide with bHIP Energy brand!

Several of these brands are much larger than 8 oz and contain as much as 4 times what is in a normal cup of coffee or normal soft drink. When you see caffeine listed on the label of an energy drink, it is because it contains synthetic caffeine or caffeine anhydrous. Most sodas with LOW or no calories & sugar contain ingredients such as ASPARTAME & Sucralose, which more & more research seems to reveal health controversies.bHIP Energy is made of fruit extracts, vitamins & minerals that work at the cellular level. Guarana is one of several energy producing ingredients & contains a substance known as theobromine, which is similar in chemical composition to the molecules found in chocolate. This is a naturally occurring caffeine & gives a very nice, level, non-jittery energy. bHIP Energy is a natural formula that works faster, lasts longer, and is healthier for you!
email NOW ! for more information regarding this product and its promotions

Try bHIP Energy Drinks now !

bHIP Global is recognized as the first company to introduce “a new breed of energy” into the marketplace. The propriety energy blend formula that is a “herbal clean energy” is considered a category creator in the beverage industry. bHIP Energy is a premium beverage offered to consumers in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, and Hungary. This High Impact Product has people feeling the results in minutes and lasting for hours. bHIP Global's philosophy is when they TRY IT, they FEEL IT, and will want to SHARE IT. bHIP Global’s industry breaking product, bHIP Energy, is being distributed by bHIP Global product promoters worldwide. bHIP Global redirects marketing and advertising dollars to pay those product promoters to penetrate the market by sharing bHIP Energy with the world. bHIP Global has the highest standard when it comes to the integrity of the product and company.

for more information regarding this product please email

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